You are already doing well, but perhaps you are not living at your peak personally or professionally. There can be various blocks that you are barely aware of that may be holding you back. I use powerful techniques to get at the subtle and often unconscious impediments to you creating your dreams.
Personally ....
Do you bounce out of bed eager to start a new day?
Do you feel clear about what is important to you, and does your life reflect this?
Are you guided by your values and joy?
Is your life full of meaning and purpose?
Do you have a healthy work/life balance?
Are you living wholeheartedly?
Do you cope well with all the ups and downs that life can bring?
Can you take emotional risks?
Do you know how to deal with all the emotions and thoughts that you experience?
Do you love who you are, as you are, even if there is room for improvement?
Interpersonally ....
Are your relationships rich, fulfilling and supportive?
Are you the best you can be in your relationships?
Do you feel you are being your authentic self in all your relationships?
Do you bring out the best in those around you?
Are you supportive and encouraging?
Do you have good boundaries?
Do you have effective and clear communication skills? - Are you a good listener? Assertive? Able to say "No" when appropriate? Able to ask for what you want?
Professionally ....
Is work something you look forward to at the start of a new week?
Are you being as effective as you could be at work or in your chosen field?
Are you inspired in your work/sport/creative pursuit?
Are you inspiring your employees/colleagues/team mates?
Are you modelling to others what you would expect from them?
Do others notice your contributions? Do you notice theirs?
Do your personal values shine through wherever you are?
Do you feel confident to deal with whatever you encounter, including the people issues?
Do you feel fulfilled at the end of the day?
Did you answer YES to all those questions?
If not, you could benefit from personal or professional development or coaching. The advantage of getting one on one coaching is that it is tailored to your needs and your goals. You can talk through, get clarity and practical strategies or solutions for dealing with problems or blocks in your work or personal life. You can also develop a more rich, dynamic, and fulfilling life than what you have now. It is completely confidential. You can potentially claim tax deductibility for professional development expenses.