Useful ... informative ... inspirational
Here I will add videos I come across that I think are relevant in some way to being a better human being; and understanding and/or overcoming some of what is getting in our way. If you have any you think I should add, email me the link. If any of these links are broken or now lead nowhere, drop me a line and I'll fix it :)
VulnerabilitySome of us have a hard time with feeling vulnerable. We think it is a weakness. This TED talk by Brene Brown might give you a different understanding of how vulnerability and living a fulfilling and wholehearted life are inextricably linked. WATCH HERE.
Emotional ResilienceWhen we cut ourselves we know what to do - clean the wound, put a bandaid on it, maybe get stitches etc. In this video Guy Winch looks at treating our emotional wounds with the same care. WATCH NOW.
DepressionDepression. The Black dog. Here is a link to a series of 4 TED talks on the topic of overcoming depression from people who have been there. CLICK HERE to watch.
We don't talk easily about a lot of things in our society. One of them is suicide. This short TED talk by JD Schramm is about breaking the silence for suicide attempt survivors. GO HERE. And he also has some really helpful tips for those who have survived and want to 'step back into life'. Those tips (written not a video) are are HERE. GriefGrief is unavoidable if you love someone, or something. This video from TEDx looks at one woman's experience with grief and what she learned from loss. CLICK HERE to watch.
Sometimes those that are grieving are given messages from those around them that they need "closure" and need to "move on". But is loss of someone very important to us something we get closure from? Do we need closure to heal? This video looks beyond closure. WATCH HERE. There is also some good advice for those who are around others who are grieving. Death and DyingThe other side of the coin to grief, is often death. (Though we grieve for many things - not only people who have died.) Death is something we often don't talk much about in our society despite the fact that it is the one thing we are all going to do. This video looks at common death bed experiences and how we can prepare for them. WATCH HERE.
InfidelityInfidelity is more common than most people are aware and can be devastating for a relationship and all those involved or impacted by it. However it is useful to understand infidelity further - why people cheat and why it is so traumatic. Relationship therapist Esther Perel's TED talk is well worth having a look at. WATCH HERE
Some people think of conflict as bad or to be avoided at all costs. Especially in relationships. But is just agreeing blindly or avoiding people who don't hold the same opinions as you the way to a better world - or a better marriage or relationship? This video might make you think about the up side of conflict. WATCH NOW
Relationship Breakdown & DivorceThere are very few people who do not experience a relationship breakdown in their life. Often this will be extremely distressing.
This video gives some good practical advice on what to do and what not to do. WATCH NOW. This video "Break ups don't have to leave you broken" explores the up side of relationship break down. WATCH HERE |
Shaping the brain you wantThink you can't change? That you can't teach an old dog new tricks? That you "can't help it"? Think again! This TEDx talk on neuroplasticity of the brain and how the brain responds and learns may change your mind ;) .
If you are trying to change a habit or learn a new way of being - like how to manage your emotions better or respond to anxiety differently this might help. CLICK HERE. Or if you want a quicker, much simpler explanation TRY HERE. AnxietyAnxiety is ubiquitous (which is a fancy way of saying it is universal) and for some it can be paralysing. However it doesn't have to ruin or run your life. Following are a few different video's on the topic.
What is anxiety? Here's a brief explanation - CLICK HERE. This is a quick video explaining what it can be like to have, and try to deal with anxiety - WATCH HERE. CLICK HERE for this TEDx talk which explores being "the warrior not the worrier". One sub section of anxiety is social anxiety. CLICK HERE for a brief video explaining social anxiety. This one is a YouTube video for anyone, but especially for teens or young people who are experiencing social anxiety from a young woman who has experienced it herself WATCH HERE. TraumaTrauma and its aftermath is a complex area with many components to it.
This short video explains the neurobiological responses our system has to trauma CLICK HERE to watch. If you are REALLY interested there is a much longer version with a fuller explanation HERE. Bessel van der Kolk is a world renowned expert and has spent most of his career working with and researching trauma. In this long (1:40:27) video Bessel talks about trauma it's impacts and how we can heal from it. CLICK HERE For some people trauma starts in childhood. This might be in the form of the obvious traumas like physical, sexual or mental/psychological abuse. It can also be more subtle traumas like neglect from caregivers or being exposed to a chronic chaotic environment. This video looks at some of the long term outcomes of adverse childhood experiences. WATCH HERE. Breaking the Silence about Childhood Trauma | Dani Bostick | This TEDx talk is all about childhood trauma including childhood sexual abuse. There are no vivid trauma stories in this video but it still may be triggering for some. WATCH HERE One approach I find particularly useful as a way of looking at and treating trauma is the Internal Family Systems (IFS) approach. If you would like to know more WATCH HERE for a brief overview. One of the foremost experts in psychological trauma in the world - Bessel van der Kolk - said that IFS transformed the way he works with trauma. Brainspotting is a relatively new technique useful for helping various things but can be particularly helpful in processing trauma at a deep level. This video explains brainspotting by David Grand, the psychologist who stumbled on it and has developed it. WATCH HERE. |